Inspect What You Expect

Inspect What You Expect

Experiments in Quantum Physics have demonstrated how the simple act of Observation and Expectation affects the outcome of the test. The famous “Dual Slit Experiment” showed how an electron would behave like a Wave or a Particle, or sometimes both at the same time, depending on what the scientist was measuring for. The conclusion was that human Consciousness was able to bring about a specific future, depending on what was being desired.

This demonstrates that “OUTLOOK can lead to OUTCOME.”

1.  What expectations do you have when entering a new, potentially challenging situation? Optimistic? Pessimistic? Both?

2. When was a time that your Expectations were utterly shattered, and you were in awe of how a totally different outcome unfolded?

3. What is your optimal “posture” when approaching new situations? Openness? Optimism? Grounded Excitement?


Thank you for reading this excerpt from “The New Earth Is Here," here is the link to Amazon : BOOK

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