God, Goddess, and Multi-Dimensional Reality

God, Goddess, and Multi-Dimensional Reality

Okay, so many Philosophers and Spiritual Teachers say that the #1 root of all our suffering is due to our perception that we are separate from Source / God n Goddess. They say that in truth we are completely fused and ONE with Source / God n Goddess. The thing is - most of us are essentially stuck in an illusion that we have become disconnected.

So how did this happen?

If we observe children, they seem to be very connected to this infinite source of energy. So when and how did we unplug?

Well, for now, I’d like to define GOD as the acronym :

G.rand O.mnipresent D.esign.

And what is this design? Well it’s based on what is commonly called “Sacred Geometry.” These are recurring, geometric patterns found all throughout the Natural World. (For example, the Flower of Life, found on the back cover of this book. I highly recommend diving down the rabbit hole of Sacred Geometry.) Ancient cultures all around the world have these same patterns inscribed at Sacred Sites and throughout their artwork. To me, this is evidence that there is a lot of importance to these patterns if they have been included in so many revered places of worship and meditation. Most of these cultures existed thousands of miles apart from each other and seemingly had no form of communicating with each other, yet they all have the SAME geometric patterns in their paintings / carvings. (I highly recommend watching the first 20 min. of the film called “THRIVE - What On Earth Will It Take” on YouTube for a great visual portrayal of Sacred Geometry and these ancient sites.)

I’ve had many profound experiences where I’ve been able to see this “Fabric of Reality,” with my own eyes. I could literally see how everything in our physical reality is composed of energy which is vibrating at different frequencies and matches these Sacred Geometric patterns like the Flower of Life and the Torus. Check out the Torus diagrams on the next page for a visual reference. It’s one thing to SEE the interconnected web of energy ( the G.O.D. - Grand, Omnipresent Design ), but how do we FEEEEEL it throughout our BodyMind System, and thus reconnect our sense of unity with the web of life?


I believe we have to get our cells resonating in harmony with the rest of the GRAND OMNIPRESENT DESIGN, which means a balanced influx and outflux of energy. It also means that we have to UN-NUMB ourselves. Essentially all of us turned off many of our feeling capabilities as children, because we were told that our EMOTIONS (feelings) were unacceptable. Some of us were taught that anger or sadness were not okay to express. Others were programmed to feel guilt or shame about sexuality, or our body image. There are numerous ways that we have been wounded, though now is the time for us to support each other and do our personal work to heal ourselves and re-member (put our fragmented aspects of ourselves back together again). There are many tools for this in “The Healing Process” chapter starting on pg. 77 in U.O.S.

Once you begin to un-numb certain aspects of yourself, I am confident that you will become more sensitive to all of life. (Yes, this can be challenging at times, though I believe it is our birthright to reclaim our true senses and feel the magnificent many different types of goodness that are available. And really, my increased sensitivity just makes me not want to consume toxic things, and be in toxic environments).

So once your senses are heightened, it becomes more natural and easy to FEEL that GOD / Goddess is all around you all the time. In fact, GOD isn’t just all around you, GOD is below you, above you, inside you, and IS the more expanded version of YOU! Woah :) … And now let’s explore a bit deeper into this thang we call “Reality” ...


Thank you for reading this excerpt from “The New Earth Is Here," here is the link to Amazon : BOOK

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