Blessed Case Scenario

Blessed Case Scenario

One of my favorite questions to ask is “What is the Blessed Case Scenario for this day / situation?” Asking this implies that I believe that :

1.   The Universe is fundamentally on my side.

2.   Everything is secretly (or blatantly) conspiring in my best interest.

3.  Therefore, it only makes sense to enter every situation trusting that something beneficial will eventually lead from it.

Within this perspective, you are invited to let go, or at least ease up on whatever is causing you fear / confusion. Some people call this “Pronoia,” inspired by the epic book with that title, by Rob Brezsny. Pronoia is defined as the opposite of “Paranoia” (where you think everything is out to harm you), Pronoia implies that everything is secretly seeking to bless and empower you. Yaayyyy!

As weird as it may sound, I believe our souls chose to come from some other realm into this Mainstream Strange-Dream. We chose to forget about the loving, supportive reality which is essentially underneath the chaotic illusion that we were conditioned into as kids. Personally, I lived in a pretty darn scary version of reality growing up. Although my parents loved me, they couldn’t save me from falling prey to the many destructive aspects of America. These include pollution of all types : food, water, medications, EMF’s, and lots of mental pollution spewed from the Television.

As a result, I was quite scared most of the time as a child. I believed that ghosts, monsters, robbers, rapists and more were literally out to get me at any moment. I had essentially Zero concept of a God, Deity, or Guardian Angel to protect me. I surrendered to the fact that I could get attacked or kidnapped at any moment by any number of “bad guys.” As is common with childhood traumatic experiences, I had no frame of reference, so I accepted these fear stories as “normal.” I can vividly remember lying in bed night after night thinking that a robber had broken into my house and was hurting my mom downstairs (who would stay up watching TV after I went to bed.) My main sense of comfort was my many stuffed animals that I would snuggle with. 

As I grew up, my fears seemed to dissipate a fair amount, but my underlying fear of the unknown remained. My parents never gave me much of a talk on religion or spirituality, so I was basically an Atheist by default. It was me against the world. Nobody to watch my back or catch me if I slipped.

I had a lot of friends, but we were constantly in competition with each other, and were always making fun of one another. As a result, I was always on edge, ready to defend myself from an insult, or table-top (where one person kneels behind you, and another pushes you from the front so you fall backwards). The combination of these led me to live in a fairly paranoid reality. As a kid, I was constantly afraid of monsters and ghosts, and as a teenager I was always watching my back for a prankster, or for the cops to come bust our underage drinking parties. It was only when I changed my circle of friends in college that I began to shift into a more positive outlook on reality.

As I began to hang out with the Happy Thursday Bike Riders (search “Happy Thursday Penn State” on YouTube to see a mini-film I made about it) and the Willow Tree Tribe at Penn State (see chapter on Semi-Spontaneous Gatherings), I started to let down my guard. In the spring of 2010, I also started dating my first long-term girlfriend, which affirmed to my Subconscious Mind that I was worthy and deserving of a good life, and that the Universe was indeed a fairly benevolent place.

That summer of 2010, I went on the bike trip across America. Many people beforehand and during the trip expressed their worries to us, “Where will you stay? On the side of the road? What if people try to steal your bikes?” They were projecting their paranoid views of reality, which are propagated on Mainstream News - which covers 99% negative stories of death, tragedy, fires, etc. What about all the positive news? - Babies being born, Community Service projects, Farmers Markets, etc. Despite the dire predictions, on the bike trip, we experienced immense kindness from many diverse people in all 14 states that we cruised through. We were welcomed into “strangers” homes to shower, sleep, or at least share a meal. It was one “Blessed Case Scenario” after another. Americans across the nation from the East to West coast were very hospitable and supportive of our quest.


So after reading that, I invite you to pause and ponder :

  1. What is the “Blessed Case Scenario” for your life?

  2. What if you had a massive abundance of resources to utilize?

  3. What if you could TRULY make your dreams a reality?

It’s kinda scary to ponder, right? Most of us are so used to our routines, that it seems Outlandish, Fanciful, or Naive to ponder our Dream Life. But what if you have been sold a lie? What if you don’t have to always compromise, settle, and put your passions on the back burner? What if the whole entire Universe wants you to succeed in manifesting your vision? Well this book is jam-packed with evidence to support your Blessed Case Scenario, as well as tried and true tools to help you along the way. I’ve seen it happen in my own life and many of the everyday-regular-yet-super-magical people I co-create with. Let’s do it :) Go Team Pachamama !


Thank you for reading this excerpt from “The New Earth Is Here," here is the link to Amazon : BOOK

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