Kevin May - Personal Development Coaching

Kevin May - Personal Development Coaching

Hello, beautiful human :)

If you are anything like me, you have lived many unique “life-chapters” during your time here on this strange planet. It may feel as though you have already lived several entire lifetimes, if you have gone through a spiritual death and rebirth.

Along my journey since my Spiritual Awakening in 2008, I have been on a quest of personal transformation, healing, and service to my local and global community.

I have collected a huge amount of helpful tools and techniques to move through the tough stuff, whether it is Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Inter-personal or some combination of those.

People have always come to me for advice, and seem to naturally open up about there challenges around me. I don’t take this lightly and do my best to be present, compassionate, and supportive to everyone who seeks guidance from me.

Since 2010, I have been making Youtube Videos, and sharing a lot of my authentic highs and lows on Social Media. People from all over the globe reach out to me on a daily basis asking for my views or feedback on a wide range of issues. Although I am not necessarily an expert in any specific field, I have spent countless hours practicing, learning, and cultivating knowledge on Mind-Body-Spirit development.

In 2015, I dedicated myself to writing my first full-length book, which would be a guide for people to discover new tools and insights for both Personal and Collective transformation. I set a container of time and space to complete my book by summer of 2016. It was no easy feat to write “Unlocking Our Superpowers,” and I was tested over and over again during the year of writing. I sensed God/Goddess/Great Spirit wanted to make sure I was “walking the walk.” Through blood, sweat, and tears, I persevered through many challenges. I continued writing, refining, and tried to have some fun through the process.

On 8-8-16, surrounded by close friends, I birthed “Unlocking Our Superpowers” into the world, and in the past 5 years it has inspired thousands of people, and reached at least 4 continents. I am filled with gratitude every time I receive feedback from someone who says “this is just what I needed hear!” when they flip open the book for the first time.

My book is essentially a toolkit and guidebook for the practices that I lead my Coaching Clients through. If you want to work 1-on-1 or enter one of my Group Programs, I ask that you buy a copy of my book, to use as a work/play-book.

———— What does a session with me feel like?

>>> A time where you can be totally free to BE YOURSELF, with all your quirks, challenges, superpowers and weirdness. It’s all okay with me.

>>> A time to invest your full energy into ACTUALIZING and EMBODYING more of your true potential.

>>> A time to deepen your spiritual connection to the web of life and your own intuition.

>>> A place to do potent Personal Development work to feel more EMPOWERED, JOYFUL, AUTHENTIC, CONFIDENT, and EXCITED about life!

—————- Does any of that sound like something you would like to bring into your life! Then let’s jump on a quick phone call and discuss the potential Coaching Programs I have to offer. Send me a brief email saying that you’d like to set up a Discovery Call :

Here is a Testimonial Video from one of my Coaching Clients who went through my 8-week Personal Development Program :

More Testimonials :

“Working with Kevin provides a healing space that encourages me to be open and allow myself to be vulnerable. His knowledge is complemented by his own personal experiences, which really adds to the level of wisdom he shares. By utilizing the exercises and tools that he supplies, it has allowed me to more gracefully navigate my own personal obstacles and grow as a person. “ - Josh Winwood

Cheri Morris : “I am sooo grateful for the experience we had together in the 2020 Vision class! Because of the good orderly direction of Kevin and the love and experience of others in the group I was able to find and discover inspiration, more clarity, and new energy for my life’s purpose. My journey is enriched by the tools gifted by Kevin! Thank you for your service loving soul!“

If you feel called to work with me or have any questions, please email me at

One of the MOST IMPORTANT ESSAYS of the 21st Century - by Jeff Brown

One of the MOST IMPORTANT ESSAYS of the 21st Century - by Jeff Brown

The Affirmation Activations (Unlocking Our Superpowers

The Affirmation Activations (Unlocking Our Superpowers