5 Reasons Why Exercise Is Medicine

5 Reasons Why Exercise Is Medicine

5 Reasons why EXERCISE is Medicine :

1. It is not a coincidence that the word Exercise sounds like "Exorcise" aka to remove negative energy. I believe that when we exercise intensely (at least to the point of sweating) it helps to PURIFY and CLEANSE our Mind, Body, and Spirit.

2. Contrary to popular belief, Exercise and even Weightlifting is a Spiritual Practice! In all my years of exploration, Exercise is one of the most potent practices for GROUNDING your SPIRIT into the body. Rather than "Ascending" to some higher dimension, I advocate for Anchoring those ethereal energies into your body through physical training.

3. Exercise builds FOCUS. In our world of 97 zillion distractions, a FOCUSED mind is one of the most important tools we can cultivate. And do you know the secret to a focused mind? A grounded, centered, and healthy body. Because the Mind and Body are actually 2 parts of ONE system, and both aspects mirror each other.

4. In connection with 2 and 3, Exercise builds EMPOWERMENT. Personally, on a day where I start with a solid workout, all the tasks of the day flow with SO MUCH MORE EASE. Exercise builds RESILIENCE to face obstacles, and helps the Nervous System to remain REGULATED in the face of conflict. Especially having strong abs / core muscles has a direct link to Will Power (the solar plexus chakra).

Also, consciously facing UNCOMFORTABILITY has great benefits. As you Reprogram your BodyMind to "love the burn" that comes with exercise, you will likely realize that major Personal Growth happens by overcoming resistance and stretching yourself in new ways.

5. EXERCISE supports wellness in all systems of the body. If you are having difficulties in any area : Skin, Excretion, Hormones, Sexual Organs, Digestion, etc. I firmly believe that Exercise + Movement can help increase Blood Flow, Oxygen Flow and Chi/Prana flow to the area having troubles. (Of course it is important to talk to a doctor and directly address any specific issues you are facing). With that said, I have seen great healing take place in my own life and many others through a regular Exercise Practice...

>>>> I know that Increased Exercise is one of the most common New Years Resolutions, and I encourage you to keep all these 5 reasons in mind, and set up a routine that works for you. Also, I know that everyone has different levels of capability, and I totally honor that. I invite you to find a level of routine that works for you, gently pushes your edges, and helps you cultivate the qualities you desire.

I also recommend dedicating a space in your home for exercise/movement/yoga, so that you can easily get in the zone. My space is barely bigger than a yoga mat, but it works just fine, in conjunction with exercising at local parks. My favorite music to work out to is Xavier Rudd's live concert recordings. So good!

P.S. This picture makes me look fitter than I normally appear, but it also motivates me to keep up with my Exercise Routine and achieve my health goals.

Wishing you and your family a healthy 2021



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