6 Highlights from the Pittsburgh Healing Festival

6 Highlights from the Pittsburgh Healing Festival

6 AMAZING Highlights of yesterday's festival :

1. First and foremost, I was IMMENSELY grateful to the divine forces that blessed us with an amazing sunny day in the lush green grove of Schenley Park Overlook.

All week, the Weather Forecast looked like it would likely rain for some or most of the day, and the day before the event we had a literal TORNADO touch down about 2 miles from the event location, which is virtually unheard of in Pittsburgh. Not only did the Tornado hit, but it rained a tremendous amount, all the way up until about 30 min. before we had to start setting up at 9:30am. Then, not a SINGLE drop of rain fell all day!

2. At our 3pm Big Community Circle, I led a call and response song to honor all the Mother's of our community and beyond. We invited all the Mother's to stand in the middle of the circle, and the 60 people on the outside all sent them love and gratitude. The lyrics are :

We thank you

For all the lovveee

That you share

And that you ARE

... I knew that my Mom was planning to stop by the event at some point in the day...but she had not arrived yet.

After we sang to the Mother's in the center of the circle, I invited everyone to place their hands on their own heart, and send some gratitude to their birth Mother. Literally 1 SECOND after I said that, my Mom walks up from behind and hugs me!

Some synchronicities like that are so precise that you can't help but wonder what Cosmic forces are at play...

3. A few weeks ago I was doing my exercise practice by myself in a field at Schenley Park. A woman walked clear across the field and came right up to me. She asked "Are you doing Tai Chi?" I said, "Not exactly, but it is similar" We ended up chatting for 30 min. and I showed her some movement practices and vice versa.

Her name is Meilyan, and she is a Chinese woman who teaches Tai Chi. She could speak some English, but there was often a gap in translation for what we were trying to communicate. She had a majestic energy about her, and I sensed she would really enjoy the Pittsburgh Healing Festival. She asked me to type the info on her phone, but all the characters where in Chinese so it was fairly difficult

Anyways, 2 weeks later, and she SHOWED UP right in time for the 5pm circle, then had a phenomenal time dancing at our big drum circle, and even taught some people Tai Chi!

4. At our 2023 Festival, I met Corey, GianCarlo and Jerome, who didn't know ANYONE at the event when they showed up last year. They all had a great time and since then, we've had some wonderful times together at various local events. This year, they were all part of the Planning Team, and helped to co-create this incredible event, where more people could find soul-family.

And after listening to our Closing Circle, where everyone had an opportunity to share highlights and reflections from the day, I was extremely thankful that so many people made new friendships and healing connections!

5. Seeing kids of all ages and backgrounds playing together, blowing 10 foot long bubbles, balancing on the slackline, and just being KIDS was so beautiful. One of my fellow event organizers - Amber's kids were excited to help out with setting up the tents in the morning which was fun to witness.

I cracked up the most, when I heard that a group of kids grabbed one of the buckets of liquid for creating huge bubbles and dumped it down the slide, to TURBO CHARGE their sliding experience

6. What also makes this event unique is the INTER-GENERATIONAL aspect. We not only had opportunities for kids to have fun, but we had many Elders enjoying the day, some of whom helped make this event happen back when it began in 2011.

Thank you to everyone who co-created such a glorious gathering. Overall I am deeply thankful for the strength and ability to serve this phenomenal Pittsburgh community, and I am looking forward to all the stories that we will continue to weave into the future.

Start Your Day Strong!

Start Your Day Strong!