Flow and Force (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

Flow and Force (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

I explained the Flow State in the Keys to Creativity chapter, though I am going to restate the importance of it here because it also applies directly to the Healing Process. A state of flow is when you become totally enmeshed in the present activity. People often describe “flow states” as losing track of time or merging with the process of life itself. Sometimes this includes tremendous effort, sometimes it requires total surrender. Sometimes it means moving fast, other times it means sitting still. The Asian Spiritual Tradition of Taoism is sometimes called the “watercourse way,” and uses the metaphor of a river or stream to describe many teachings. At certain points, we embody the raging rapids, at other times we embody a slow, gentle flow.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

~ Lao Tzu (founder of Taoism)

Force is when we are not in a flow state. It is like trying to push a river. It’s fruitless, and a heroic effort yields almost no results. Whereas when we are in flow, a gentle movement yields massive gains. It does take practice to master the art of “going with the flow.” It requires tuning into the feelings and thoughts that keep us in a flow state. A flow state can be found in essentially any activity from painting, running, or making love. It is a state of dynamic balance between polarities : fast and slow, masculine and feminine, electric and magnetic, hot and cold.

The various maps and tools offered in this chapter and throughout this book will assist you in navigating the many aspects of your “flow state.” The key question to ask to access your Flow State is :

“Does the way I’m performing this current action feel natural / authentic / correct?”

Overview of Kevin's Healing Practices (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

Overview of Kevin's Healing Practices (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

The Mental Advisors (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

The Mental Advisors (Unlocking Our Superpowers)