Kevin's Healing Journey (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

Kevin's Healing Journey (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

After walking the spiritual path for at least 4 years, I finally realized that although I was constantly preaching the message of “peace and love” there were still emotions inside me like anger and sadness that I was not in touch with. As a result, I was unable to be fully at peace, and unable to love certain aspects of myself.

For the last 2 years, I’ve been actively exploring deep emotions and many modalities for expressing and integrating them. My current understanding is that we freeze emotional energy within our body anytime we don’t let ourselves feel our natural, instinctual emotions. This creates a “backlog” of stored energy that causes muscle tension, and potentially disease in the body.

The blockage will remain until we give ourselves full permission to release the stored energy. The key is to connect with the feeling of the emotion, and tune into what sound, movement, or story wants to be expressed. Sometimes simply talking about a past incident with a friend is enough to clear it. In other cases, you may need to punch a pillow or yell at the top of your lungs for an hour (forreal).

There are 2 key elements necessary for every type of healing:

1. TIME: You must give yourself enough time for each session. It is essentially impossible to rush this process. It is beneficial not to put an overall timeline on the healing process because for each person, it’s unique. You can certainly intend for efficiency and the most direct path towards a state of integration or wholeness, though you can’t really predict how the process will unfold.

2. SPACE: You must have a Space that you feel totally comfortable to express what you need to express. For me, this is usually out in nature, in my car, or in my home. If I feel that people are watching me or judging me harshly, it is very difficult to process deep emotions. Also, I try not to disturb others with my process, so a secluded space is beneficial.

... Next section is "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" 

The Power of the Subconscious Mind (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

The Power of the Subconscious Mind (Unlocking Our Superpowers)

THE WEB OF INFINITE INSPIRATION ~ Chap. 20 ~ Unlocking Our Superpowers

THE WEB OF INFINITE INSPIRATION ~ Chap. 20 ~ Unlocking Our Superpowers