What Is Sacred StoryWeavers ?

What Is Sacred StoryWeavers ?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Teamwork makes the Dream work.” This is exactly what we believe in. If we are going to change the course of Humanity into a positive direction, we certainly can’t do it alone. We need to collaborate, co-create, and honor diversity in all areas.

We are a Global Network of groups and individuals who are exploring a new AND ancient way of living on this planet. We are based in the wonderful city of Pittsburgh. We like to view life on this planet as ONE BIG STORY. The cool part is that we can choose to be the authors of this New and Ancient story. We are not only story-TELLERS, but we are building, dancing, and singing this story into existence, so we call ourselves story-WEAVERS. Together we form a beautiful web that is ever evolving and unfolding in amazing ways.

We are focused on creating Personal and Societal transformation on Social and Environmental levels through co-creative, community building activities.

We have begun to GAME-ify the Transformation Process - both the personal and societal aspects. We envision a world where people are viewing their personal healing process as more of a fun real-life video game, rather than a burden or something to be hidden away. We also envision mass transformation on a social level unfolding in more of a game scenario, where people work together to create new ways of interacting and building society (at places like Lucidity Festival and the Peaceful Gathering of Hands). These intentions have led to the creation of the “Sacred StoryWeavers Interactive Game,” where players give themselves and each other points for taking any action that contributes to a more beautiful world. It’s a great way to encourage each other and laugh along the way :)

We officially founded Sacred StoryWeavers in 2019, though our team has been co-creating since 2011. Diverse groups and individuals from all over the city have co-created dozens of unique events, including but not limited to the Peaceful Gathering of Hands, which is an annual event (starting in 2011) which brings together many groups and individuals interested in creating a more peaceful, healthy, sustainable city. Here a few stunning photos from this powerful, community building event :

Point Peace.jpg

————— So, what else will you find on this site?

Well, I ( Kevin May ) received the divine assignment to write a book called Unlocking Our Superpowers, which I published in 2016. It combines short stories from my adventures Bicycling across America, building Conscious Community and more, with practical tools and techniques for transformation. This website has most of the chapters organized by chapter, which I invite you to explore. Or if you want to order a personalized, signed copy, CLICK HERE. And if you have any questions about Sacred StoryWeavers, please email me : KevinMayCoaching@gmail.com. Thank you :)



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All My Favorite Songs in 16 Different Genres